Gliwice Hamlet: Rehearsal or touch through the pane

Traduzione di Aneta Mancewicz Bryce; Lease

Collana I testi

Lingua Inglese

Il libro

In this semi-autobiographical play within a play, Lachmann looks back at his childhood marked by Second World War. It’s 1945, and the German city of Gleiwitz has become Polish Gliwice.

Forced to become Polish by his mother’s decision to not move to Germany, Lachmann confronts the ghosts of his past, with the help of two actors playing He and She.

A poetic adaptation of Hamlet by the eminent German-Polish writer, theatre and film-maker about memory, guilt and mourning.

  • Carta
  • Isbn 9788899737252
  • Pagine 42
  • Copertina flessibile, 300 gr, patinata opaca
  • Anno 2016
  • Rilegatura brossura filo refe
  • Pagine a colori 8
  • Dimensioni 240 x 170 mm
  • Carta usomano 90 gr
  • Stato editoriale Disponibile
12.99 €
  • Digitale
  • Isbn 9788832160482
  • Anno 2019
  • Stato editoriale Disponibile
6.99 €

Piotr Peter Lachmann

He is a Polish-German writer and director of video-theatre and film. Born in 1935 in Gleiwitz, Germany (present day Gliwice, Poland), the central theme of his work has consistently been memory and trauma, seen through the prism of his own personal and political experience. Published since the 1960s as a poet, essayist, author of radio…


Una selezione che potrebbe interessarti, tra libri dello stesso autore, della stessa collana, temi correlati, e roba che sembra non c’entrare e invece…